(513) 271-1233

5721 Dragon Way # 101, Cincinnati, OH 

Cincinnati’s top running event, the Flying Pig Marathon, will bring thousands to the Queen City May 3-5. This annual event is the culmination of hours upon hours of training. Cincinnati is actually ranked No. 8 in the nation as the top places for runners. With gyms and trails throughout the city, runners have a safe haven for long-distance training or to kick off the day with a run. Still, no matter how well runners prepare with the right shoes and route, 50-70% of people who run will suffer some kind of injury at some point. Generally, it takes about 10 weeks to recover from a running injury. At Simply Well Chiropractic, we know how important it is to get back in action. That’s why Dr. Faith offers running recovery treatments in Cincinnati with chiropractic care and the innovative SoftWave Therapy. 

Why Runners Are Susceptible to Injuries

As a universally accessible activity, running appeals to a broad spectrum of people—from beginners taking their first steps in fitness to seasoned marathoners pushing the limits of human endurance. The allure of running lies in its ability to not only enhance physical fitness but also to provide mental clarity and emotional balance, making it a preferred choice for maintaining overall well-being.

However, the path of a runner is not without its hurdles. The repetitive nature of the activity, coupled with the constant impact of footfalls on hard surfaces, subjects the body to considerable strain. Over time, this can lead to a spectrum of challenges, including acute injuries such as sprains and fractures, as well as chronic issues like tendonitis and joint wear and tear. 

Runners deal with these common running injuries often:

  • Patellofemoral pain syndrome (PFPS)
  • Runner’s knee
  • Plantar fasciitis
  • Meniscal injuries
  • Tibial stress syndrome
  • Patellar tendinitis
  • Achilles tendonitis
  • Shin splints
  • Stress fractures
  • Blisters
  • Soft tissue injuries
  • IT band syndrome
  • Back pain
  • Piriformis syndrome
  • Medial tibial stress syndrome (MTSS)
  • Hamstring strain/tendinopathy
  • Chronic exertional compartment syndrome
  • Posteromedial tibial stress syndrome
  • Popliteal artery entrapment syndrome
  • Gastrocnemius-soleus strains/tears

Why Runners Get Hurt (And How to Avoid It)

Love to run, but constantly battling aches and pains? Unfortunately, runners are super prone to injuries. That’s because running is a high-impact sport that puts your body through the wringer. Here’s why it happens:

  • Pushing past your limits: Trying to run too far, too fast, too soon is a recipe for achy muscles, strained tendons, and maybe even stress fractures. 
  • Bad form: Your running style matters. Poor form can put excess stress on certain areas, causing all sorts of problems.
  • Wrong shoes: Running shoes aren’t one-size-fits-all. Wearing the wrong type can give you blisters, shin splints, and more.
  • Clothes that don’t cooperate: The right outfit makes a difference. Wear something too warm? You risk overheating. Too little? Hello, frostbite.
  • Hitting the pavement: Hard surfaces like concrete send shockwaves through your legs with every step. This puts you at risk for injuries throughout your lower body.
  • Risky environments: Running on uneven trails, in polluted areas, or dodging low branches puts you at a greater risk of trips, falls, and other injuries. 

Get Back in Stride with SoftWave Therapy at Simply Well Chiropractic in Cincinnati

At the core of SoftWave Therapy lies an innovative, non-invasive treatment that harnesses the power of acoustic waves to stimulate the body’s natural healing processes. This advanced therapy promises not just pain relief but also aids in tissue regeneration, inflammation reduction, and accelerated recovery, addressing the root causes of running-related discomfort. By enhancing circulation and promoting cellular repair, SoftWave Therapy offers runners an opportunity to not only recover faster from injuries but also to optimize their performance and prevent future issues.

The Top 5 Ways SoftWave Therapy Provides Running Recovery Treatments

SoftWave Therapy has emerged as a pivotal solution as a running recovery treatment, whether from routine workouts or more serious injuries. Here are the top five ways SoftWave Therapy can significantly benefit runners in their running recovery journey.

The Science Behind SoftWave Therapy’s Effectiveness

The efficacy of SoftWave Therapy in enhancing performance and preventing injuries is grounded in its scientific approach to stimulating the body’s natural healing mechanisms. The therapy employs a unique set of acoustic waves, known as shock waves, to initiate biological effects within the treated tissues. These waves generate a mechanical stress that prompts the release of angiogenic factors, substances that encourage the formation of new blood vessels. This process, known as angiogenesis, improves blood circulation in the treated areas, facilitating the delivery of essential nutrients and oxygen for tissue repair and growth.

Furthermore, SoftWave Therapy has been shown to activate the body’s pain-relieving mechanisms, reducing discomfort and enhancing the runner’s ability to train effectively. The stimulation of the body’s natural repair processes not only accelerates recovery times but also reduces the likelihood of chronic inflammation, a common source of long-term pain and disability among athletes.

Accelerates Tissue Repair and Regeneration

Enhanced Cellular Activity

One of the most significant benefits of SoftWave Therapy is its ability to stimulate and accelerate tissue repair and regeneration at the cellular level. The therapy’s acoustic waves trigger biological responses in the treated areas, enhancing blood flow and stimulating cellular activities responsible for tissue repair. This not only speeds up the healing process of injuries such as sprains, strains, and tears but also helps in the quicker recovery of muscles fatigued by intense running workouts.

Reduces Inflammation and Swelling

Targets Inflammation at Its Source

Inflammation and swelling are common responses to injury or overuse, leading to pain and a delay in recovery. SoftWave Therapy excels in reducing inflammation by targeting it directly at its source. The therapy encourages lymphatic drainage and increases circulation, which helps in flushing out the inflammatory cytokines and reducing swelling. This reduction in inflammation not only alleviates pain but also creates an environment conducive to faster healing.

Alleviates Pain Without Medication

Natural Pain Relief Mechanisms

Pain management is a critical component of any running recovery process. SoftWave Therapy offers a drug-free solution to pain relief, activating the body’s natural pain-relief mechanisms. The therapy’s acoustic waves stimulate the release of endorphins and block pain signals sent to the brain, providing immediate relief from discomfort. This natural approach to pain management is especially beneficial for runners who are looking for alternatives to medication, allowing them to recover without the potential side effects of drugs.

Enhances Blood Circulation

Boosts Recovery and Performance

Improved blood circulation is vital for running recovery, and SoftWave Therapy significantly enhances this aspect. By stimulating blood flow to the treated areas, the therapy ensures that oxygen and nutrients necessary for healing are efficiently delivered to the damaged tissues. This not only aids in the recovery of injuries but also helps in the removal of metabolic wastes accumulated during intense physical activity, thus enhancing overall performance and endurance.

Prevents Future Injuries

Strengths Musculoskeletal System

An often overlooked benefit of SoftWave Therapy is its role in injury prevention. Regular use of the therapy can help strengthen the musculoskeletal system, making it more resilient to the stresses of running. By improving the health of muscles, tendons, and ligaments, SoftWave Therapy reduces the likelihood of future injuries, allowing runners to maintain their training intensity and consistency without being sidelined by physical setbacks.

Addressing Common Running Injuries

Runners face a variety of injuries, including but not limited to hamstring strains, Achilles tendonitis, shin splints, and patellar tendonitis. These conditions, if not addressed promptly and effectively, can evolve into chronic issues that hinder a runner’s goals. SoftWave Therapy stands out as an effective treatment modality for these common ailments by stimulating the body’s own repair mechanisms.

  • Hamstring Strains: Given the explosive starts and sudden accelerations inherent in track and field, hamstring strains are a frequent issue. SoftWave Therapy aids in the regeneration of muscle fibers, reducing recovery time and enhancing muscle elasticity, which is crucial for sprinters and jumpers.
  • Achilles Tendonitis: Repetitive stress and overuse can inflame the Achilles tendon, a critical component in a runner’s arsenal. By utilizing SoftWave Therapy, athletes can experience relief from inflammation and pain, coupled with accelerated tissue repair, enabling a quicker return to training and competition.
  • Shin Splints: Often plaguing distance runners, shin splints result from repeated impact forces. SoftWave Therapy’s capacity to improve blood circulation and stimulate healing processes addresses the root cause of shin splints, providing relief and preventing recurrence.
  • Patellar Tendonitis: Known as “jumper’s knee,” this condition is common in athletes participating in high-jump and long-jump events. SoftWave Therapy effectively reduces tendon inflammation and promotes the healing of micro-tears, thus enhancing knee joint resilience and function.

Post-Race Recovery: The SoftWave Edge

The aftermath of a race or intense training session often leaves runners facing the daunting challenge of recovery. Muscles are fatigued, tissues are stressed, and the body cries out for rest and rejuvenation. This is where SoftWave Therapy shines, offering a beacon of hope for athletes seeking a swift return to form. The therapy’s acoustic waves are not just random vibrations; they are meticulously calibrated to stimulate the body’s innate healing mechanisms, thereby accelerating the recovery process.

SoftWave Therapy operates on a cellular level, sending waves deep into the tissue to stimulate blood flow and enhance circulation. This process is critical for the removal of waste products and the delivery of oxygen and nutrients essential for tissue repair. Moreover, these waves activate the cells responsible for healing, encouraging them to work more efficiently. This means that injuries such as micro-tears in muscle fibers or inflammation in tendons heal faster, allowing runners to bounce back sooner than they might through rest alone.

The Importance of Continuous Training and How SoftWave Can Minimize Downtime

Continuous training is the cornerstone of progress in running. However, the inevitable wear and tear on the body can lead to injuries, forcing unwanted breaks and setbacks in training schedules. Downtime not only hinders progress but can also lead to decreased motivation and increased frustration. This is where SoftWave Therapy shines, providing a solution to minimize downtime and keep runners on track towards their goals.

SoftWave’s ability to accelerate the healing process means that runners can return to training more quickly after an injury. Moreover, by incorporating SoftWave Therapy as a regular part of a training regimen, runners can proactively prevent the occurrence of injuries, thereby maintaining a consistent training schedule. This consistency is crucial for building endurance, strength, and speed over time.

Chiropractic Care for Runners in Cincinnati

For runners, both seasoned marathoners and casual joggers alike, the physical demands of pounding the pavement can often lead to injury and strain, impacting performance and enjoyment of the sport. However, chiropractic care at emerges as a powerful ally in the runner’s quest for peak performance and swift recovery. 

Improves Joint Mobility and Flexibility

Enhances Range of Motion

One of the primary ways chiropractic care benefits runners is by significantly improving joint mobility and flexibility. Through targeted spinal and joint adjustments, Dr. Faith at Simply Well Chiropractic can correct misalignments and relieve tension in the joints, leading to an enhanced range of motion. This increased mobility is crucial for runners, as it allows for more efficient movement patterns and reduces the risk of injury caused by stiffness or restricted joint movements.

Reduces Risk of Injury

Preventative Care for Runners

Chiropractic care plays a vital role in injury prevention for runners. Regular adjustments ensure that the spine and joints are aligned, which helps maintain proper biomechanics during running. This preventive approach addresses potential issues before they lead to injury, allowing runners to maintain consistent training without interruption. Furthermore, Dr. Faith can offer personalized advice on running form and exercises that strengthen the musculoskeletal system, further reducing the likelihood of common running injuries.

Alleviates Pain from Running-Related Injuries

Natural Pain Management Strategies

Running can often lead to acute or chronic pain due to the high-impact nature of the sport. Chiropractic care offers effective pain management solutions by treating the root cause of pain rather than just the symptoms. Techniques such as spinal adjustments, soft tissue therapy, and mobilization can relieve pain associated with conditions like runner’s knee, IT band syndrome, and shin splints. By addressing the underlying biomechanical issues, chiropractic care at Simply Well Chiropractic in Cincinnati provides long-term pain relief and helps runners return to their training more quickly.

Enhances Athletic Performance

Optimizes Body Function

Chiropractic care goes beyond injury treatment and prevention; it can also enhance a runner’s athletic performance. Proper spinal alignment and joint mobility are essential for optimal body function, including improved breathing and circulation. These improvements can lead to better endurance, increased power, and a decrease in fatigue, allowing runners to push their limits and achieve new personal bests. Chiropractic adjustments also ensure that the nervous system functions efficiently, further enhancing the body’s overall performance capabilities.

Accelerated Recovery Time

Facilitates Quicker Healing

The demands of running often leave athletes in need of quick recovery solutions. Chiropractic care can accelerate the recovery process by improving circulation and reducing inflammation in injured areas. This not only helps tissues heal more quickly but also ensures that runners can return to their training regimen sooner. Additionally, chiropractic techniques such as therapeutic massage and stretching can alleviate muscle soreness and stiffness after long runs or races, contributing to a faster and more comfortable recovery.

Simply Well Chiropractic for Running Recovery Treatments in Cincinnati

The synergy between chiropractic adjustments and SoftWave Therapy creates an unparalleled recovery experience, optimizing healing and enhancing bodily functions in ways traditional methods cannot match. Runners can expect to see improvements in joint mobility, a reduction in the risk of injury, natural pain alleviation, and an overall boost in athletic performance, all contributing to a quicker return to the sport they love.

As runners throughout Cincinnati gear up to run thousands of miles over the spring and summer months, Simply Well Chiropractic stands ready to support each athlete’s journey. 

Whether you’re aiming to set a new personal record or simply cross the finish line, consider taking advantage of our $49 introductory SoftWave special. This offer includes a consultation with Dr. Faith, the first SoftWave treatment, and a personalized treatment plan designed to address your specific needs and goals. Embrace this opportunity to enhance your recovery, prevent future injuries, and achieve optimal performance at Simply Well Chiropractic in Cincinnati, where your running aspirations are supported by cutting-edge care and a deep commitment to your well-being.