(513) 271-1233

5721 Dragon Way # 101, Cincinnati, OH 

Cincinnati SoftWave Therapy

Discover a New Path to Healing with SoftWave Therapy

Welcome to Simply Well Chiropractic in Cincinnati. We are excited to introduce Cincinnati Softwave Therapy, a revolutionary, non-invasive treatment designed to restore your well-being and alleviate pain effectively.

A SoftWave Therapy machine at Simply Well Chiropractic in Cincinnati.

Experience the Breakthrough in Healing

Discover the Power of Cincinnati SoftWave Therapy

Looking for a lasting remedy for persistent injuries or pain that persists despite various treatments? Have you already tried treatments like cortisone injections, prolotherapy, chiropractic adjustments, physical therapy, orthopedic consultations, electrical stimulation, or laser therapy, but still find yourself struggling with unresolved pain.

Consider Cincinnati SoftWave Therapy at Simply Well Chiropractic. 

SoftWave Therapy is not just another treatment; it’s a revolutionary advancement in medical technology. This innovative therapy has the extraordinary capability to regenerate tissue, initiate a natural healing response within your body, and effectively repair old injuries. Unlike conventional methods that merely mask symptoms or lead to invasive procedures like surgery or injections, SoftWave Therapy offers a hopeful alternative.

With its patented technology, SoftWave Therapy delves deep into the cellular level, awakening your body’s inherent healing abilities. This means that instead of just coping or “getting by,” you can look forward to genuine repair and rejuvenation of injured tissues. Embrace a solution that’s designed not just to alleviate but to resolve and regenerate. Choose Cincinnati SoftWave Therapy for a transformative approach to healing.

Non-Invasive and Safe

Softwave Therapy is a non-invasive treatment that doesn’t require surgery, injections, or anesthesia. This makes it a safe and accessible option for patients seeking pain relief and healing without undergoing more intensive medical procedures.

High Patient Satisfaction and Effectiveness

Softwave Therapy has shown promising results with a 90% patient satisfaction rate and 65-91% improvement in musculoskeletal and general pain complaints. Most patients begin to experience relief after their first 15-minute treatment session.

Versatile and Holistic Healing

Softwave Therapy is capable of treating a wide array of conditions, such as tendon and ligament issues, back pain, knee pain, plantar fasciitis, and more. It promotes holistic healing by stimulating the body’s natural healing processes, including increasing blood supply, reducing inflammation, and activating stem cells for tissue regeneration.

Experience the Benefits of Cincinnati SoftWave Therapy


patient satisfaction rate.


quality satisfaction among specialists.


improvement in musculoskeletal and general pain complaints.

What conditions does Softwave Therapy treat?

From knee pain, sports injuries, arthritis, to plantar fasciitis, Cincinnati Softwave Therapy is versatile in addressing various conditions, including:

Foot Pain

Knee Pain

Ankle Pain

Achilles Tendon Injuries

Hamstring Pain

Tennis and Golfers’ Elbow

Elbow, Wrist and Hand Pain


Shin Splints

Muscle Pain

Stress Fractures

Meniscal Tear

Carpal Tunnel

Plantar Fascitis



Back and Neck Pain

Muscle Pain

Shoulder Pain

Heel Pain

Sports Injuries


Hip Pain

Restless Leg Syndrome

Elbow Pain

What Is Cincinnati SoftWave Therapy

Cincinnati Softwave Therapy is an innovative, FDA-cleared medical treatment designed to expedite healing and alleviate pain for individuals suffering from a variety of musculoskeletal conditions. It is introduced to the Cincinnati area with the aim of providing a new, holistic approach to wellness and pain management.

This therapy uses cutting-edge technology to generate regenerative soft-pressure waves that delve deep into the affected tissues. By doing so, it facilitates the body’s intrinsic healing mechanisms at a cellular level. These non-invasive acoustic waves are adept at stimulating blood circulation, fostering tissue regeneration, and mitigating inflammation, thus offering a comprehensive solution to pain relief and recovery.

Cincinnati Softwave Therapy is positioned as an alternative to traditional pain management methods. It deviates from dependency on medications or invasive surgeries and instead, emphasizes the body’s capacity to heal itself. Suitable for treating a broad spectrum of conditions such as chronic back pain, joint issues, and even diabetic concerns, it presents a valuable option for residents of Cincinnati seeking a swift, effective, and holistic path to wellness.

– How Cincinnati SoftWave Therapy Works

Cincinnati Softwave Therapy uses high-energy sound waves applied to painful and injured areas, stimulating healing and regeneration. This Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy (ESWT) enhances blood circulation and stem cell activity, regenerating damaged tissues. Most patients experience beneficial effects within one or two treatments, with no downtime required.

What’s the Difference?

Why SoftWave Therapy Reigns Supreme

Imagine our world is filled with amazing natural healers. From a special kind of salamander that can regrow its limbs to the incredible way our bodies heal cuts and grow back hair and skin, nature is full of wonders. Now, picture we’re at the start of a new chapter in medicine, all thanks to this thing called regeneration. This means the body’s ability to fix or replace damaged parts, and it’s not just something animals can do — it’s becoming a big deal for human health too. Meet SoftWave Therapy, a super cool advancement in helping our bodies repair themselves.

Just like animals in the wild heal themselves in astonishing ways, we humans also have our own healing powers, like fixing broken bones or healing cuts. But now, with something called SoftWave Therapy, we’re not just watching from the sidelines; we’re leading the charge. This therapy uses a special kind of technology to really get our body’s healing powers going.

SoftWave Therapy works by sending specific shockwaves into the body, which basically wakes up our body’s own repair system. It’s like hitting the start button on healing. This leads to:

  • Enhanced blood supply: Nourishing tissues with oxygen and nutrients.
  • Promotion of angiogenesis: Creating new blood vessels for improved circulation.
  • Modulation of inflammation: Reducing chronic inflammation to promote healing.
  • Activation of resident stem cells: Harnessing the power of your own stem cells to regenerate tissues.
  • Restoration of tissue elasticity: Improving flexibility and function of the affected area.
  • Activation of endogenous growth factors: Encouraging the body to heal itself from within.

SoftWave’s Tissue Regenerative Therapy (TRT) doesn’t just offer a temporary solution; it stimulates your body’s own stem cells to initiate a deep and lasting healing process. This non-invasive approach not only provides rapid relief but also tackles the root cause of your pain, ensuring a comprehensive recovery without side effects.

In the pursuit of healing, we’re not just following nature’s lead — we’re advancing it. Join us at SoftWave and experience a new horizon in medical treatment, where the promise of regeneration becomes a reality. Your journey to recovery and rejuvenation starts here.

Meet Dr. Faith Swartzendruber

Understanding the profound impact of chiropractic care firsthand, Dr. Faith Swartzendruber is a staunch advocate for its transformative benefits. Her journey towards Cincinnati Chiropractic care is deeply personal and rooted in her own experiences.

From her early years, Dr. Faith recognized the invaluable importance of one’s quality of life. A personal encounter with trauma led her to experience her body’s incredible capacity for healing and recovery, thanks to chiropractic intervention. This allowed her body to regain its normal function and resilience.

Throughout her adolescence and into adulthood, Dr. Faith found relief from various health issues, such as headaches and asthma, through consistent chiropractic care. These experiences further solidified her belief in the healing powers of chiropractic treatments.

In her continuous pursuit of providing comprehensive and innovative care to her patients, Dr. Faith made the decision to introduce Softwave Therapy to her practice, Simply Well Chiropractic in Cincinnati. 

Recognizing the therapy’s potential to significantly enhance the body’s natural healing processes, she saw it as a perfect complement to her existing chiropractic services. Its impressive track record in effectively treating a myriad of conditions, from chronic pain to musculoskeletal issues, convinced her of its value. By incorporating Softwave Therapy, Dr. Faith aims to provide her patients with a broader spectrum of healing options, ensuring they receive the most effective and personalized care possible.

a picture of Dr. Faith Swartzendruber at Simply Well Chiropractic
Man at SoftWave Appointment for wrist pain

Schedule a SoftWave Appointment in Cincinnati

Existing patients can schedule on The Scheduling App.


What people say about SoftWave Therapy

“No pain at all. I mean, totally. Every inch of pain is gone. I was skeptical at first, then as I came back for the second treatment and the pain continued to subside, I was convinced. I play golf three or four times a week, and I constantly was wearing a brace. These treatments have allowed me to enjoy something that I love and that’s being outside and playing golf.” 


SoftWave Patient

“Since I’ve been going through this therapy, what I’ve noticed is I haven’t took no pain pills, no arthritis pills.Imma speak the truth. It works. I mean, your gonna feel pain when you first start out, but you can work your way through that ‘cause I did it, you can do it.”


SoftWave Patient


Frequently asked questions

If SoftWave Therapy (Tissue Regenerative Therapy) is new to you, it’s worth noting how it’s revolutionizing the wellness landscape within our Cincinnati community. This innovative therapy employs sound waves to:

  • Boost circulation and naturally speed up the healing process!
  • Activate previously inactive stem cells, initiating a healing process that can continue for up to 12 months!
  • Stimulate your body’s innate ability to heal itself!

Although Softwave therapy has been available for a few years now, its advantages are only just beginning to be widely recognized.

If you’re among those newly acquainted with this therapy, you likely have many questions. That’s why we’re eager to share answers to five of the most frequently asked questions we encounter.


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What is SoftWave or ESWT?

SoftWave Therapy is an innovative and highly effective method of treatment that utilizes high-energy sound waves to target areas of the body that are injured, degenerating, or experiencing pain. By applying these sound waves, the therapy significantly diminishes pain while simultaneously improving mobility and overall function. It expedites the body’s natural healing mechanisms by promoting metabolic activity, boosting blood flow, and encouraging cellular regeneration, thus aiding in the repair of damaged tissues. The energy waves generated during the therapy deeply penetrate the tissues, activating stem cells and growth factors essential for the healing of muscles and connective tissues.

How Do SoftWave Treatments Work?

The Acoustic Wave or “True” Shock Wave Treatment (ESWT) is a non-invasive procedure. During the treatment, a gel is applied to the area being treated, followed by the emission of acoustic waves throughout the targeted zone.

How Many Sessions Are Required?

The total number of sessions required varies based on the specific condition being addressed. Often, a series of 6 to 8 treatments is sufficient. Each session typically lasts between 10 to 15 minutes.


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What Kind of Outcomes Can Be Anticipated?

Positive outcomes may be noticeable following just one or two sessions. Numerous individuals experience an immediate alleviation of pain post-treatment. According to clinical research, the technology boasts a high effectiveness rate. Those who undergo treatment often describe complete relief from pain or a substantial decrease in discomfort. ESWT is capable of eliminating pain, enhancing mobility, and significantly improving an individual’s quality of life. Additionally, true acoustic wave therapy can greatly enhance the effectiveness of other regenerative therapies.

What Are the Potential Side Effects?

The SoftWave system, utilizing the TRT OrthoGold 100, is associated with minimal to no side effects. Patients are generally able to resume their work or daily activities right after undergoing treatment, with little to no required recovery period.

Who can benefit from SoftWave Therapy?

This therapy is a fantastic resource for aiding:

  • Athletes aiming to minimize injury risk or expedite the healing timeline
  • People experiencing chronic pain
  • Individuals in the process of recovering from tissue injuries
  • Patients with neuropathy enduring nerve damage

Additionally, it has proven highly successful in treating conditions like shoulder pain, plantar fasciitis, and arthritis!