(513) 271-1233

5721 Dragon Way # 101, Cincinnati, OH 


Don’t miss out on the opportunity to enhance your quality of life.

Educational Value:

Provides a comprehensive overview of SoftWave Therapy, explaining its scientific basis, benefits, and mechanisms of action.

Informed Decision Making

Offers detailed insights into how SoftWave Therapy works and its potential benefits.

Success Stories

Includes patient testimonials and success rates with real-world evidence of the therapy’s effectiveness.

Safety and Efficacy

Highlights the non-invasive nature and FDA approval of SoftWave Therapy.

About SoftWave Therapy

Learn more about SoftWave Therapy.

Read Our Blog

Get in-depth information on the conditions SoftWave Therapy treats.

Schedule an Appointment

Ready to discover how SoftWave Therapy can help? Schedule and appointment.

Innovative, Non-Invasive, and Immediate Relief

Experience the Power of SoftWave Therapy

SoftWave Therapy, with its German-engineered technology, offers a unique and effective alternative to traditional pain treatments. Our non-invasive approach ensures a safe, comfortable experience, providing immediate results with minimal side effects. Suitable for a wide range of conditions, from joint and muscle pain to arthritis and neuropathy, SoftWave Therapy activates your body’s natural healing powers at a cellular level.

Why Choose SoftWave Therapy?

Pain Relief

Feel a significant reduction in pain and improvement in mobility from the very first session.

High Safety Profile

FDA-cleared and suitable for patients with a variety of medical backgrounds.

Stem Cell Activation

A unique feature that accelerates natural tissue repair and regeneration.

Clinically Proven Success

Backed by research, our therapy has a high success rate in treating chronic pain conditions.

Expert Care

Administered by qualified professionals like Dr. Faith Swartzendruber, ensuring you receive the highest standard of care.

Tailored Treatment Plans for Your Unique Needs

Our treatment plans, typically spanning 4-12 sessions, are customized to provide long-lasting relief and recovery. Each SoftWave Therapy appointment, lasting 10-15 minutes, is designed to fit seamlessly into your busy life, with no downtime required.


What You Will Learn?

Introduction to SoftWave Therapy

How SoftWave Therapy Works

The Science Behind SoftWave Therapy

Patient Testimonials and Success Stories

Benefits of SoftWave Therapy

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Common Conditions Treated by SoftWave Therapy

How to Get Started with SoftWave Therapy


SoftWave Reviews

“My left knee was experiencing a lot of pain. Plus my sciatica nerve was inflamed on my right leg. This has been occurring for months. Using SoftWave, both my leg knee and sciatica nerve are much better! I was having to use a walker to get around and now I use a cane when I go out of the house. I have been able to bust out of the house much more and easier! It has greatly improved my life.”

“I visited today for the first time to get relief from frozen shoulder, I’m a few hours post treatment and have noticed a difference already. Going to look forward to my next visits to continue this great feeling!! Softwave therapy for the win!”

“I’ve had 20 years of back problems. Everyday, it wasn’t if I was in pain but how much pain I was in. This is the first time in 20 years that I have no pain.”

Schedule an Appointment


Have Questions? Get in Touch!

5721 Dragon Way # 101, Cincinnati, OH 45227


(513) 271-1233